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Image of Emily, County Mayor Lee Harris, and friend standing together.
Emily Fulmer for Collierville Alderman Position 4

Left: Emily with County Mayor Lee Harris and Collierville resident Monica M. after a non-partisan Civics and Voter Literacy Trivia Night organized by Emily. 

Emily with 5 women politios including Katrina Robinson, London Lamar, and Nina Turner

Emily along with activists and elected officials (including Sen. Katrina Robinson, Nina Turner, Sen. London Lamar) after speaking at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN

Emily seated next to District Attorney Steve Mulroy, she is speaking and he is smiling

Emily and Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy during a live-broadcasted conversation about Instant Run-off and Ranked-Choice Voting.

Emily stands next to friend behind a vehicle with the trunk open it is filled with food donations

Emily and Mary G. showing some of the food purchased for Mariposas Collective using nearly $2000 in funds donated by Shelby County residents.

After graduating from Vanderbilt Divinity School with a Masters in Theological Studies, Emily and her husband moved to Memphis where she started working as a community organizer for a state-wide health advocacy organization. 

Through this work she met folks from all walks of life that were empowered to work together for a common goal. Helping people realize and activate their own collective power is what inspires Emily to pursue servant-leadership opportunities.


Emily worked for several years at a nation-wide non-profit food security organization to help connect gardeners with their local food pantries where they could donate their excess garden produce. 


Emily, her husband, and their two kids (now 12 and 8) chose to make Collierville home seven years ago and quickly plugged into various community organizations and projects.


Emily is a founder and board member of Collierville Community Justice -- a diverse, intergenerational coalition of Collierville residents working for racial and economic justice in our community.


Noticing the lack of public information about the Black history of Collierville, Emily spends a lot of her free time helping to research, elevate, and preserve that history for future generations.

With a desire to engage in social change through policy and politics, Emily went back to graduate school at the University of Memphis to study Political Science. Emily joined the United Campus Workers Union as a graduate assistant and remains a member today. Upon graduation, she was hired as a full-time instructor, and she teaches International Relations and Religion & Politics.

Emily is a "native plant and pollinator nerd", and she enjoys working in the yard, tending to the gardens, chickens, and honeybees. She's excited to plant a fruit tree orchard in her front yard this year.

Emily ran for Collierville Alderman in 2022 to bring attention to the need for voting districts in Collierville, and to raise awareness about the issues that matter.

Group of people of various ages, races, and ethnicities standing outside wearing matching shirts

Members and friends of Collierville Community Justice at our Neighbors Helping Neighbors yard clean-up day


Emily and friends at Muslim Fest 2018

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Emily and Collierville residents at the Collierville Community Justice yard clean-up day.


Emily getting ready to hand out goodie bags to low-income seniors at the monthly commodities pick up location in Collierville

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Community Iftar meal at Suggs Park, Collierville sponsored by Collierville Community Justice during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan 2021

Professional and Community Associations

Member & Delegate

Collierville NAACP 

Past Exec. Comm. Member

Shelby County

Democratic Party

Union Member

United Campus Workers

(CWA local 3865)

2021 Graduate

Leadership Collierville

Past Board Member and Chair

Mid-South Peace & Justice

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